Monday, July 20, 2009

Convention Etiquette

I am outraged because I recently attended a 3-day convention and was appalled by the behavior that I was witness to.

So, I have taken the liberty of outlining 5 rules of etiquette that should be followed at conventions, concerts, sporting events, and any other large public outing.

1. Stand in line and no pushing! Seriously, didn't you go to kindergarten?

2. And speaking of lines, if you see that the right line is for turning and you need to turn right, get in the right line, don't do the un-Christian thing and fly up the left turn line and expect me to do the Christian thing and let you in.

3. If you are going to have to use the bathroom more than 5 times, perhaps you should wear a Depends or better yet get yourself checked out. Because sitting in that second seat from the end seriously sucked for me. I felt like I did like 20 squats per day, getting up and sitting down every other minute. Exhausting!

4. A picnic cooler is one that will not fit under your seat. If it requires its own seat it is too big. If your cooler is so big that it has wheels and a handle to pull it ... need I say more?

5. Seats should be shared and not saved. If they don't live with you and they didn't ride with you, don't save them a seat. Because the only thing that is bound to happen is that you will save them seats and they will walk right in and find their own seats. And in essence, you have stolen seats from some "needy seat person."

The bottom line is follow the Golden Rule.