Friday, May 29, 2009

10 Things No One Tells You About Marriage!

Okay, so I have been married 3 months and 8 days ... and I have come too realize that there are a few things that no one told me about marriage. So for those of you that haven't made the leap, I hope this helps you. And for those of you that are married, I'm sure that you will feel me!

So here it goes ...

1. It is physically impossible for a man and woman to share a bathroom unless that bathroom has two sinks, two toliets, two showers, two bathtubs, two floors and two different air supplies. Need I say more?

2. When spending discretionary income, estimates of the amount spent are always best. And when all else fails, say that you spent it on gas. (Who keeps those little gas receipts anyway?)

3. Husband, wife, and in-laws do not an instant family make. His is his and hers is hers. And it will always be that way, no matter how well everyone gets along.

4. It doesn't matter if you have a combined income of $50,000 or $150,000, if you married a spender, they are still gonna be spender, and if you married a saver, they are still gonna be a saver.

5. Start from scratch! Do not move into the home or apartment previously occupied by one of you. Otherwise, you will have one spouse displaying "only child syndrome" over everything from closet space to the bathroom while the other spouse is left feeling that they are nothing more than a visitor.

6. Your spouse cannot possibly fulfill every need you have. You will have to have people outside of your relationship that are crucial for your success. For instance, a husband cannot reasonably expect his wife to take 5 hours out of her Saturday to watch the NFL draft. This is what his "boys" are for. And this brings me to my next point ...

7. Watching every single football, basketball, golf, and baseball game is not a requirement to live. Therefore, the wife is under no obligation to watch any of these. However, I do believe that it is healthy to show interest in at least some of the things that interest your spouse. And on the flip side, the husband should show some kind of balance.

8. I have heard about the "freshman 20," but seriously how come no one told me about the "newlywed 20?"

9. A single woman is never happy to have her "friend." A married woman prays for her "friend."

10. Men have selective hearing that allows them to hear only three things 1) sports games, 2) the microwave beep and 3) the phone call of his mother.

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