Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thanks, but no thanks!

Have you ever been given a gift and absolutely hated it? I'm not talking about the hand knitted scarf that your grandmother gave you, I'm talking about the pink sweater your best friend gave you that knows you absolutely loathe pink. Is it ever okay to say "thanks, but no thanks" when someone buys you something that they should have already known you won't like? Do you always have to say "thank you?"

See, my thoughts are that if your friend is really a friend and wants to know if you like it, you should be able to be honest and say "no." The whole idea of a gift is the thought, right? But, where is the thought if you buy me something that you already know I dislike. The insensitivity is on the part of the giver, not the receiver.

I really need to know if I am wrong about this, so please weigh in on this one. I have made it so that everyone has the ability to comment now.


  1. I think people don't give things that they know you will hate. I think people give things that they like or think you will like. I think saying thank you should happen with every gift. It is one of the most basic things in humanity to show appreciation for someone thinking about you.

  2. I think that giving a gift that you like, without thinking about whether the receiver will like the gift is selfish and insensitive. I love a nice box of chocolates, but how would you feel if I gave you (someone who hates chocolate) a big box of them? Put a little THOUGHT into things first, that's all I'm saying.

  3. I think that being a wife or even a girlfriend is very hard and both titles come with sacrifice. Some made on the woman's behalf and some on the man's behalf. I think my question would be whether or not the person you're buying for hates everything or is hard to please. If that is the case then maybe that person should just buy for themselves and then they won't have to worry about disappointment and the other won't have to worry about feeling unappreciated. If I have told someone that I absolutely hate chocolates, should I expect them, NO but if I told them I like certain kinds more than others sometimes, that's kind of vague and if that person took the time out to think about me and try and guess which ones I like, I would say thank you and maybe be more specific next time about exactly what I like and dislike. My husband buys me stuff that I might not like but the fact that he thought about me makes feel good. Also I take in consideration....what will it hurt? to just wear something he likes every once in awhile. I feel if all it takes to put a smile on my husband face is a thank you and for him to see me in something he definitely likes and thought I might like, what's the big deal? To me it all balls down to being appreciative and not sweating the little stuff. With all the bad men out here waiting on their woman to buy something for them, I'm just appreacitive to have a man that wants to do something for me and if he can get a little joy out of whatever he gives, then why not both of us be happy?
